From the perspective of a different perhaps one of the most important extracts of the Arab summit that touch of attempting to official Arab rare for the exercise of self-criticism publicly, which represents more significance than others in the opening speech by Saudi King Abdullah, whose country hosted the summit, will head the institution of the Arab summit in coming.
Perhaps what put King of the anatomy of the conditions of the Arab and criticism of the behavior of the Arab official who conducted the entire region to these conditions is not new to the Arab public opinion, but the fans and the Arab elites blasted every morning and evening, and worshipers bump up into the sky with all the prayers! But what is new is the adoption of the official discourse of the tone harsh critic of the self, and that comes from most Arab countries, which are described in the governorate, in the stage of preparing the Riyadh to lead the Arab regime after the throes of a bitter witnessed this system did not result in the birth of a new not for the death did not find even the bullet of mercy .
Self-criticism in the official discourse of the Arab at first glance could mean that Arab leaders have the boldness to admit mistakes, and the search for solutions to benefit from these lessons, and admit mistakes means from another angle willingness to take responsibility and the desire to accountability, and if ratified this security, it reflects an attempt to rehabilitate Occupation Arab leadership for a new phase is still vague, and to this extent did not highlight any serious evidence leading to the ratification of this shift on the ground, which will remain until just wishful thinking.
Despite the stream of rationality new Arabic at the level of intellectual discourse has practiced self-criticism in public over the years, the past two decades, however, these infections offices has eluded the body of the official discourse, which has remained enjoys immunity rare, and was absent until the moments of awakening short that usually follows the misfortunes of large, and that is reminiscent of the short period that followed the war in June 1967, where Ondjt stage speech after the occupation of Iraq is a contentious three packs that formed the features of the official Arab discourse:
The first is; disagreement about identity, where the contents of the speech showed the official Arab interconnection disparity in addressing the political environment and the realization, through the growing manifestations of major differences about the objectives, methods and priorities, and lack of clarity in the identity of the events, objectives and political actors. All of this came against the backdrop of a series of events that are reflected in the speech, and carried multiple dimensions, in the forefront of the dimensions of political and geopolitical and economic, in Photos projects successive markets and regional systems in the region and the regional roles of new and increased unit acceleration and raise the pace of local peculiarities and interests of regional, which have not executed The presence of donors to defend it, through the tools of culture and different means of communication.
Second, differences about values;, where the contents of the speech showed how changes in the Arab environment values, political, economic and cultural level of the Arab - Arab, and Arab level - international, exceeded in many of them was forbidden to approach him in the earlier stages. Arab discourse did not try to look like a harmonious and adaptive with itself about these changes, without compromising their convictions and perspectives that produced those values, but this situation has produced manifestations of disharmony and disagreement about the political and cultural values ​​of the major long as it enjoyed unanimous around.
Third package difference about determination; has reached a range, where the contents of the letter bore the official Arab during the past few years, for the first time, to talk with confidence about the fates of differentiated, bearing the intentions of becoming an independent, may reach the level of expression of being abandoned earlier. The much-talked about owning this or the other possibility that strives toward its destiny solo, and even trying to build security systems, political and economic, according to the visions and goals independently or with others, outside the facts of what was called the "determination of the Arab" and what could be up to a contradiction with him.
Security to spread infection of self-criticism, and not just be a temporary political flu.


جريدة الغد


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